Pack Presence

Pack Presence

Pack Presence this is the perfect opportunity to create a website to represent your company, business, or organization on the web. With the Pack Presence of Moka3ab for static website, you can launch your website with us from 499Dh (50€) including several options:

  • Creating a unique look and design for your website, whether chosen by you or us (PSD en HTML) for 3 pages.
  • The purchase of the domain name for your website on your behalf (exp: / .org / .net / .ma / .biz / .me / .tv / .co / .mobi / .info and others).
  • Submit your site to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo ...
  • Integrate your website in several social networking sites (like Facebook, twitter, google + ...) and Google Maps.
  • 3 months of free web hosting in the server "Al Modif" for Web Hosting Services.
  • Create any number of e-mails for your business or organization like [email protected]